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Recent content by AbyssCL

  1. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    I dont have a ESX version bro, I personally don't use it so when i did the fix and everything I only converted it and fixed it to QBCore, I can't do it for ESX because I don't use it. If someone wants to convert it to ESX its welcome as always and feel free to use my version to make an ESX convert.
  2. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    the name of the script wasn't lc_truck_logistics, you should'nt change the name of the script, that can produce errors with JS. You did change things, at least the name
  3. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    haven't seen that error before, didn't happened to me or anything similar, have you modified the code?
  4. AbyssCL

    FiveM FPS boost (Citizen file)

    Wait, nevermind, actually Boost FPS, u need to put it inside your FiveM Application Data, not the server one, i was putting it inside my server folder. Using it boosted my FPS from 244 to 264, some kind of 20fps in that specific scenario, btw, it makes your sky really bad with red colors, not...
  5. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    The script wasn't called vex_trucker, and i dont have any purchase from you from what i see. Anyways i will check it and updated it if there's any errors with that
  6. AbyssCL

    QBUS [QB] - Ownable Gas Stations / Gasolineras Comprables - Fixed (Spanish-Español)

    @b1na Como se hace para que funcione lo de cargar el combustible?, pusiste en la descripcion que hay que seguir las instrucciones para poner cdn-fuel, por mas que busque no encuentro forma de implementar ningun sistema de combustible, simplemente funcionan por separado y no descuenta del...
  7. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    yeah, should be, from what i've tested was working perfectly
  8. AbyssCL

    STANDALONE Core Vehicle- Realistic Vehicle

    Really?, i just bought it and the user got banned just when i bought it, i wasted 20 credits and got nothing lmao
  9. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    Refunded! enjoy the script brother
  10. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    Link updated!!!, Trucks and Trailer added to the folder, srry for the inconvenience, everyone who already purchased please make a refund charge so I can refund your credits to but the new version!
  11. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    Ohhhh yeah, that's true sorry, I forgot to add the trucks and trailers, my bad, i will update it, please make a charge button so i can refund everyone who has already purchase so you can download it again with the trucks and trailers included
  12. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    Im gonna do it myself and i will update it if you want
  13. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    Ty for the Waypoint add, but I didnt understood what you said about the loader sometimes is not spawning, i've tried everything and was working perfectly
  14. AbyssCL

    QBUS [FIXED] Trucking Logistics Simulator [OPEN SOURCE] [LATEST QB-CORE]

    I spent over 2 days fixing and converting everything from this script to the latest qb-core version, its working with no errors and all it's functionalities What i fixed: - Converted to New QB-Core - Fixed QB-VehicleKeys support and converted to its latest version - Fixed all notifications...
  15. AbyssCL

    QBUS Origen Multicharacter 100% funcional qb-core

    yeah, its pretty easy, its made like that to not make people able to abuse that reconnecting to the server, if you want help write me to my ds: @abyss_cl