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Recent content by Freddy23

  1. Freddy23

    NP Nopixel 4.0 Dump

    Yeah its a dump. You dont get server.lua in dumps
  2. Freddy23

    NP Nopixel 4.0 Dump

    Here you go a Nopixel 4.0 updated dump hope you like it! -=Stripped Content=-
  3. Freddy23


    Here is a carplay script for fivem enjoy -=Stripped Content=-
  4. Freddy23

    STANDALONE Brutal Notify (Open Source + Proof)

    Why does it not work for every thing?
  5. Freddy23

    STANDALONE Cd dispatch

    Why is the alert not working?
  6. Freddy23

    QBUS okokmarketplace

    Not include Readme or server.lua
  7. Freddy23

    QBUS RL-drugprocessing

    RL-drugprocessing Preview: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82112471/165860380-861eddc3-8548-442d-b483-2afd311970ad.pnghttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82112471/165861162-cf19f312-92bb-4241-86a4-9cc07720773d.png Download...
  8. Freddy23


    BB-Garage Dont know if works test it out self DONT KNOW FRAMEWORK MAYBE QBUS AND ESX LOOK SELF Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fcw9hitcmk1kyef/bb-garages.rar/file Preview:
  9. Freddy23

    QBUS QB-Vehicleshop-Catalogue

    QB-Vehicleshop - Catalogue Download: https://anonfiles.com/wdP1Ua5ay5/qb-vehiclecatalogue-main_zip Preview: https://streamable.com/1s9e4q