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Recent content by John32

  1. John32

    STANDALONE Pug chopping [OPEN SOURCE] [25C]

    Is this for QB or ESX?
  2. John32

    ESX Foras V6 - Hypra

    Yes it's not the original Foras serverfiles. This one is made by Hypra he tried to make a similar one. I don't know how the real Foras looks like but this is the same one what you can see in the video.
  3. John32

    STANDALONE AK4Y Script Bundle - (All Scripts | Open Source | QB/ESX and Working)

    Which of these scripts works with ESX?
  4. John32

    QBUS okokbanking

    This is the latest version?
  5. John32

    ESX Foras V6 - Hypra

    Did not tested it at all just used some scripts from it. Download: -=Stripped Content=- Preview:
  6. John32

    QBUS rn-hud

    Reup please