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Recent content by xoalxtax

  1. X

    ESX AV - Vehicleshop ESX and QBCore Tested and Working

    Thank you this perfect sctipt
  2. X

    QBUS QBCore only to park anywhere as VIP(OPEN SOURCE)

    Nice. Just the script I was looking for.
  3. X

    QBUS Complete CarPlay Full OpenSource

    Is this script resolved? :O
  4. X

    NP russian bear

    Waooo... I've been looking for this bear for a while.
  5. X

    STANDALONE KQ Outfit bag open

    thank you bro. This is fantastic script <3
  6. X


    Very nice script. You best :love::love:
  7. X

    STANDALONE Battlepass System (DebuX) OPEN SOURCE

    Hi please re up videos :)
  8. X

    QBUS Aquiver - Farm System (OPEN SOURCE)

    Hello. I am using QBCORE server, but it cannot retrieve that I am admin. Can someone find a solution for this?