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Recent content by xxxite

  1. xxxite

    STANDALONE Nopixel 4.0 + 3.5 images and 4000+ more inv images

    -=Stripped Content=- stop getting scammed and paying such high prices for something so simple
  2. xxxite

    STANDALONE NoPixel 4.0 VehicleShop & Garages ESX & QB!!

    lmao idk why i found this so funny , both work great thanks man
  3. xxxite

    STANDALONE some nopixel 4.0 scripts,Graphics Pack(fixed),inventory,4.0 Vehicles,maps....

    literally got scammed for 50 credits lmao
  4. xxxite

    QBUS [QBCore] Meth Run | Nopixel 3.0 Inspired

    very nice works very good
  5. xxxite

    NP NP 4.0 Vehicles Sounds

    Some files doesn't work :) Most of super doesn't work, some vehicle have no sound at all too, tried to fix them but wasn't able to
  6. xxxite

    STANDALONE NoPixel 4.0 visuals fixed version with stream files 80MB (NoPixel Graphics)

    what compass is that bro? looks clean any chance i could get it?
  7. xxxite


    does all of them work? cause i got a sound pack but only half works
  8. xxxite

    STANDALONE NoPixel 4.0 visuals fixed version with stream files 80MB (NoPixel Graphics)

    do you have any idea where i can change the vehicle smoke intensity when the car broken..its a bit crazy but i cant seem to find where...
  9. xxxite

    STANDALONE Nopixel 4.0 visuals/graphics mod (not vegetation)

    taken down due to people saying its not working
  10. xxxite

    QBUS taken down pls delete

    pls delete pls delete pls delete pls delete
  11. xxxite


    damm this looks sick sheesh
  12. xxxite

    STANDALONE [LOGIN] Spawn Selector

    this looks sick thank you
  13. xxxite

    STANDALONE Smodsk - Dart

    this looks sick thank you
  14. xxxite

    STANDALONE (ESX/QB) Open Source PUG Repo Job

    does this work or nah